Support if you care about democracy

Posted by Conor O'Neill on Sunday, November 8, 2015

Most people in this country seem happy enough to have it run by imbeciles and criminals, so it’s a relief that some people actually care.

The official web-site which holds the records of the Oireachtas is the kind of incompetent mess that can only have been designed to be that way on purpose. Luckily John Handelaar built a few years ago to shine a light on the goings-on in the Dáil and Seanad. Not only does it contain all of the records but it lets you request things like “email me when the clown I voted for actually speaks in the Dáil”


Sir Humphrey and his minions made a concerted effort to kill KildareStreet a while back by changing all of their data formats, but they underestimated Mr Handelaar and it is still going strong.

You might not think this is an important resource until the day it’s gone. We live in a country where the insiders rely on a compliant uninformed populus and a complicit media. It’s scary how critical is to our inept democracy. A tiny glimmer of hope in this third-world banana republic.

But John and Sabrina can’t afford to run this out of the goodness of their hearts. So go now to and vote with your wallet.

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