We’re playing around with some stuff on LouderVoice and we need as many translations as possible for the word “review” in the sense of “a review of a movie” or “a review of a restaurant”.
Ideally it should be a generic word that works in most situations. It would also be better if the words did not have accented characters (I’ll explain that in a later post) and they must be in latin alphabet. We would like to get as many languages as possible but at the very least:
- German (bericht?, meinung?)
- French (revue? critique?)
- Spanish (revision?)
- Italian (rassegna?)
- Portuguese
- Danish
- Dutch
- Swedish
- Norwegian
- Finnish (viesti)
- Estonian
- Russian
- Latvian
- Lithuanian
- Polish
- Hungarian
- Greek
Feel free to suggest others. Just use the comments box on this post to provide the words so that there can be discussion on them.
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