Solid middle of the road fare. Big portions and good value.
<span class="type">business</span>
<span class="item vcard">
<span class="fn org">The Side Door Restaurant</span>
<span class="street-address">Drumalee Cross, Cootehill Road</span> <span class="locality">Cavan</span> <span class="region"></span> <span class="postal-code"></span> <span class="country-name">Ireland</span></span>
Rating: <span class="rating">3</span> stars out of 5 <span class="stars" title="3"></span>
<div class="description">
This restaurant is part of the Orchard pub in Cavan. It is always busy and serves bog standard globo-food like wings, burgers, salads etc.
In the past it has been very hit and miss but we had a fine meal there last week. Nothing special but nothing wrong either.
Simple feta and sundried tomato salad was good with a decent dressing. Too large tho. Wife’s deep fried brie a bit tasteless but ok.
Mains were a reasonable stuffed chicken breast with ok veg and spuds for me and generic pasta dish for Catherine. They offered her chips or potato with that…….
Good bottle of house Italian red plus two other drinks and we were out the door in less than an hour for slightly over €80.
You could do a lot worse. +353 (0)49 433 1819
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