I’m not just saying that because it’s my local one. They keep adding really great stalls. I think the most important one is Ahern’s organic meats. It’s a bit easy to miss them because all the meat is in a freezer trailer and they just have a small table with the product list and prices. I got two t-bones and a bunch of burgers off them. Looking forward to BBQing them today in the rain.
Cork Coffee Roasters were doing a stunning Iced Latte. They told me that they were not selling well. I was shocked. Iced Lattes are up there with penicillin and the transistor as the 20th Century’s greatest inventions. A life saver on a hot day. Bandonites and Bandonians should do themselves a favour and run down for a large one in two weeks time. In fact, I told Catherine about them when I got home and she zoomed down in the car to get one. She had two small comments on them - she’d prefer crushed ice and she’d prefer them to be even bigger!
I got the usual bunch of stuff and a few unusual bits like Quinoa salad. The Baking Emporium now have a new Spelt Muesli Crispbread which I got. Looks lovely.
A few piccies of my booty (in the non-Jennifer Lopez sense):
T-Bone and Crispbread
Choccie Heart, Tartlet, Sonia’s Pickles, Milleen’s Cheese, Quinoa Salad
Eggs, Sunblush, Hummus
Rye and Buttermilk bread
technorati tags:BakingEmporium, CorkCoffeeRoasters
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