A fine day out at the Bandon Show

Posted by Conor O'Neill on Sunday, June 18, 2006

We had a blast of an afternoon at the Bandon Show yesterday. Everything from horses to bulls to dogs were on show and there were plenty of activities for the young uns too. We ran into a ton of people we knew.

I explained to Oisín that this was the starting point in the supply chain for all dairy products. He was suitably impressed.

Milking Cows

Some very confused looking Llamas. I thought of my Grandad when I saw these and wondered what he would think if he was alive. Something along the lines of “has the world gone copmpletely mad?”.


Lots of old tractors and military vehicles were one of the highlights for me

Old Army vehicles

I thought of this weeks episode of the Soprano’s when I saw this. The fact that Bandon is doing the procession of the eucharist thing today really drove home the Bandon - New Jersey similarities! The only thing we are missing is Paulie.

The Sopranos

This is a man who clearly takes the dog show very seriously indeed.

Best in Show?

Fabulous horses. Oscar a bit freaked by the size of them as he will be getting on one soon on his summer holidays.

Beautiful Horse

Sibéal was enthralled by the bulls and calves. She didn’t want to leave the “baby cows”. Some superb specimens.


Can someone please tell me what breed these are? I think they look completely distorted. Have they been bred for huge meat mass? They seemed bizarre and other-worldly.

What kinda shape are they?

Are you lookin at me?

You looking at me?

The showjumping part of the show is delayed until July. I think I may head up for that too. Looking forward to next year.

[tags]Bandon Show, Bandon Agricultural Show, Castlebernard[/tags]

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