Conor's Bandon Blog

Running, Food and Local stuff from a blow-in

Gender Confirmed by computer

Just in case there was any doubt, [The Gender Genie]( confirmed that I'm a bloke. Huge sighs of relief from my wife. Interesting wee tool actually (The Gender Genie, not me). I just cut n paste some blog entries and it gave 247 male vs 146 female. We’re off to the Bandon Show in an hour or so. The last time I was at anything like this I must have been in my mid-teens and my parents took me on the annual pilgrimage to The Spring Show in the RDS.

Is that a bullseye painted on your back?

I can't help myself. I know they are world's easiest targets. [Twenty Major]( had tears rolling down my face talking about what a pair of utter mingers they are. But then I found the lyrics - dear god, is English even his first language? “Love can make you happy, love can make you cry”? Coincidentally, I found this site which sings lyrics for you. So I entered the first verse. A massive improvement I think you’ll agree.

Has Flickr always been free?

I thought it was pay-only the last time I checked. Excellent, I now have a hosting site for any piccies I want to link to. Just looking through the features - bloody hell, I can see why people are raving about it. Can upload pictures via email, so I can send direct from my camera phone to Flickr. Can get it to automatically post the pictures to my blog, so straight from camera phone to blog.

This wouldn't be Conor's blog without

Baby Announcements!! We just found out that Maria and Maurice had a baby girl back on April 17th. Baby Ellen is an absolute cutie and either has dark red hair or bright red hair depending on whether you ask Claire or Ethna. Oh, and the Pierce’s finally named 3 of 9: Rianna Gail Pierce. That’s a very cool name. I’d nick it only for the fact that our next one is a bloke.

Recording Streaming Audio for later listening

I’ve been trying to figure out how to record streaming audio so I can listen to it later (and start/stop when I like). Actually it’s specifically for The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Quandary Phase. I didn’t really enjoy the last radio series and the repeats of the TV series aren’t that great either. But it became a technical challenge that I wanted to get to the bottom of. I finally cracked it today.


The top 50 things every foodie should do.

Mock-Tudor Edwardian Georgian Castle with Irish Bar

Ah yes, those Sheraton folks in Massachusetts really know their architecture. Our hotel was only bettered by the one we drove under which straddled the Massachusetts Turnpike. I’ve always wanted a room with cars whizzing past 20 feet under my floor. Shopping disaster - only had time for Toys R Us. Kids happy even if I’m still without a new keyboard and mouse. On the other hand, we had some very successful meals.

Greatest Failures in Engineering

Seems to be mainly focussed on Civil. Interesting enough tho

Oh my god, they removed Kenny's feeding tube

Only if you are really, really bored. Planearium The title of the post is related to a recent episode of South Park which I cannot wait to see.

So if you're really bored

Try this quiz. Nerd Test Unsurprisingly I had a big score. This big: